SAS 9 on Centos may not be officially supported by SAS Institute, but it is supported by the SAS Apps team! At least, we can support the SASjs Server component.

This is a complete guide to setting up SASjs Server on CentOS 7. A SAS runtime is a prerequisite, and a guide to installing that is available here. A guide to installing SASjs Server on Debian / Ubuntu type images is available here

sasjs centos


Before you get started, be sure you can obtain the following:

  • The IP address of your VPS, with root SSH access, eg:
  • A working installation of SAS (or WPS)
  • A domain (and access to the DNS panel), eg
  • A MongoDB connection string (you can provision one locally or use a free cloud instance)

Server Setup

Let’s get this machine configured! First we log in as root, eg:

# Enter as sudo-enabled user using YOUR new server IP address
ssh [email protected]

Next, we create a unix group (sas) and create the system user account / home directory:

# Create a sas group
sudo addgroup sas
# Make the user account (eg sasjssrv) and add to sas group
sudo adduser sasjssrv -G sas


We can generate https certificates using certbot. Since certbot is packaged as a snap, we’ll also install snapd.

# Add EPEL repository
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum upgrade
# Install snapd
sudo yum install snapd
# Enable snap communication socket
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
# Create symbolic link
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
# Now, log out of the session and log back in

Now we are back in the session we can install certbot:

# Remove any previous installation
sudo yum remove certbot
# Install Certbot.
sudo snap install --classic certbot
# Make symlink
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot

Before proceeding further, it is necessary to first update your DNS and add an “A record” pointing to your server IP.

sasjs server dns

Once this is done, we can launch certbot.

# provide domain to prompt WITHOUT https prefix, eg
sudo certbot certonly --standalone

# ensure members of the sas group can access the certs
# update the paths below according to the actual domain!
mkdir /opt/certificates
cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/
cp fullchain.pem /opt/certificates/fullchain.pem
cp privkey.pem /opt/certificates/privkey.pem
chgrp -R sas /opt/certificates
chmod -R 755 /opt/certificates

SASjs Installation & Configuration

The rest of the installation is exactly as described in this article (from “SASjs Installation & Configuration” onwards).