SAS App Services

If you are looking to build a new SAS-Powered Application, or you have an existing SAS App and you’d like help with it, we can support.

Rate Card

All SAS App team members are well versed in the SASjs framework, either through active contributions or in-house training.

Our SAS developers have experience with NodeJS, DevOps, GIT, and browser Dev Tools.

Our JS (TypeScript) developers are familiar with Viya REST APIs, SAS 9 Stored Processes, SAS Authentication mechanisms, and SAS deployments.

  • Principal SAS Consultant - 1200 EUR per day
  • Senior SAS Developer - 1000 EUR per day
  • Junior SAS Developer - 600 EUR per day
  • Principal JS Consultant - 1000 EUR per day
  • Senior JS Developer - 800 EUR per day
  • Junior JS Developer - 450 EUR per day

The rates above are for customer projects with a minimum engagement of 5 days. For shorter, or short-notice engagements there is a 20% premium on the above rates.

For paid support to extend the SASjs framework or Data Controller, the rate is always 600 EUR, and there is no minimum engagement.

SAS App Support Plans

Our support plans are based on our ability to quickly understand and troubleshoot the application. Where the app is under the control of the SAS Apps team, built with SASjs, we are able to offer our most competitive rates (Plan A).

The price is “per customer”, not “per app” - so if a customer has three apps, only one plan is needed. The level is based on the status of the “trickiest to support” app - so if one of those is an in-house, non SASjs app then “Plan C” support would be offered.

Details of the support plan (SLAs etc) are available here.

Plan App Source SASjs Annual EUR
A SAS Apps 5k
B Customer 10k
C Customer 15k
  • Plan A: App was built by the SAS Apps team, and SAS Apps maintains the source code
  • Plan B: App was built by the SAS Apps team, the Customer maintains the source code
  • Plan C: Non SASjs apps

For customers with any of these plans, a 10% discount is available for Consultant / Developer days.